Thursday 20 June 2013

Track Super Stars!

Congrats to Autumn and Chloe for their efforts and successes at the District Championships!

Chloe G and Autumn T

Field Trip to Windsor Police Training Branch

On June 11th, 6M traveled to the Windsor Police Training Branch as part of the VIP (Values, Influences, and Peers) program. Once there, Officer Neil accompanied us to several stations including, gun safety, repelling, explosives and the K9 unit. At each station, members of the Windsor Police would explain their area of expertise and display their skills. What a Great Day!

The day started with a visit from the Chief of Police

Autumn, Mickiya, Rana and Rebecca thought the Police Chief was awesome!

Deanna, Dina and Mackayla

All about gun safety

The Windsor Police's newest tool for keeping the peace
Repelling down the side of a building during a mock rescue

The Training Branch also serves the Canadian Military

Inside the repelling tower

Geoffrey being fitted for the ultimate in protection: A bomb squad suit

I think he's still in there!


A Police Dog is worth his weight in gold when looking for things and bringing bad guys to justice.

Rana looking excited about wearing the dog training suit

Christian with the best in bite-resistant fashion

Chloe modeling the latest and greatest in dog training pants

I'm never going to let go!!!