Friday 26 April 2013

6M Getting Creative With Adventure Stories

This past week, students in 6M have been working hard to complete their narrative about an adventure in a cave. Students were to develop a story with characters, short dialogue, setting, beginning, middle and end, and a problem/solution scenario.

During this engaging writing activity the students worked tirelessly to perfect their story. At one point the class was so focused and quiet that many of the students hadn't notice that our Principal, Mrs. Laforet had entered the class to see what we were working on. Bravo kids!

An Expedition To Northern Canada

It was the misty morning of May 14th in Northern Canada, when

my friend, Michelle, and I found the cave we were searching for. The cave had belonged to the Woodland Aboriginal people and we were on an expedition to see if anything remained.

Even though this was our first time exploring, Michelle, my ambitious friend, was bursting with delight and joy when we entered the cave. As we walked along we noticed the walls were scratchy, the ground was uneven, and even though I had a torch, it felt like I was being swallowed by darkness.

We kept on walking even though I was a bit nervous, until we both tripped and tiny stones washed down over us. When we got up various furs of animals, tools, hats, and wooden canoes were surrounding us. Michelle filled her backpack with anything that would fit. When I tripped over again the cave began to crumble. Me, being the more cautious one, ran for the exit. Once I was out I realized I had left Michelle behind.

I fell to the earth breathing heavily, I had left my friend inside and I didn't collect anything to sell to the museum.

“Michelle why did you have to die?” I cried out loud and it echoed throughout the cave as it crumbled to pieces.

“Oh so I'm dead now?” a voice responded.

“Michelle!” I screamed with joy.

There she was, backpack stuffed and hands overflowing with artifacts to sell to the museum. I was ecstatic that she had escaped with artifacts, but I was overjoyed that Michelle was alive. By: Mackayla

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