Friday 24 May 2013

Newspaper Articles

Students in 6M have been writing Newspaper Articles during our Literacy Block. Students wrote an article about life on the International Space Station, as if they had interviewed astronaut, Chris Hadfield.

Here are a few sample articles:

By Stellar Reporter Jakir A.


Some people may wonder how astronauts on the ISS have a good night sleep. Last night, Famous Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield returned to Earth well rested.

Many people never give a second thought about sleeping. Most of us just hop in our beds and fall asleep. But it is different for astronauts. They have to strap themselves to a bed or else they would just float away and hurt themselves.
Astronauts sleep in person-sized tethered soundproof booths in tethered sleeping bags. They don't sleep in the average bed a human on Earth would sleep on.

We all sleep in a part of the ISS called the Zvezda. In the Zvezda, there are two sleep stations. Visiting crew have to tie their beds to walls to sleep,” Hadfield stated.

The average human on Earth sleeps 8 hours long. Astronauts sleep for 8 and a half hours a day. They go to bed at 9:30 at night and they wake up at 6:00 in the morning; a regular schedule is followed.
Since the whole crew of the ISS is only 6 people, everybody sleeps at once.

When we sleep, it's pretty much like sleeping in a closet and it's definitely not the place a claustrophobic person would want to sleep. The sleeping booths are really small.,” Hadfield claimed.

Even though the booths are small, astronauts do enjoy some earthly comforts like laptops, music players and family photos.

Sleeping on the ISS is much different than on Earth, but at least it's amongst the stars.

Cooking and eating in space

FRIDAY MAY 24 2013

Ever think of the challenges of eating in space? Its a tricky thing to master, recently returned astronaut Chris Hadfield will agree.

Eating and cooking in space is difficult because of microgravity. The result is things in the space will float and you see that all the time,” Hadfield states.

An easy task like making a sandwich becomes impossible to do because you cannot have real bread on the International Space Station. Bread produces crumbs which is unsafe because they can get into the computer system and cause a shut down or malfunction to the spacecraft.

Before each astronaut travels into space they get a small choice of what kind of food they want to have like cereal or dehydrated meat.This makes them feel like they're still at home and they are eating things that have been prepared back at earth.

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