Friday 24 May 2013

Tiger Teachers!

Today, half of the class took the role of teacher and taught their Math lesson to a peer. Any "Student" could attend a "Teacher's" lesson by going to their station and sitting down. 

The instruction was superb, the visuals were excellent, the behaviour was out of this world, and everyone had fun!

Check out the pics and leave a comment if you'd like.

Mackayla's centre on Perimeter
Isaiah learns about Mode from Rana

Tyler teaching the Ins-and-Outs of Bar Graphs

Mickiya looking professional as she teaches about the Area of a Triangle and Rhombus

Rebecca being an attentive student

Chloe shows Dina all about Reflections

Justin, our resident pro at Mixed Numbers

Jakir goes through the steps of the Order of Operations

Zac teaching about the rules of Dividing

Keegan teaches about Ratios

Michael making a tough concept, Prime Factorization, a little easier to understand

Stem -and -Leaf Plots made easy by Rebecca 

Rana learns about Range from Deanna

All about Volume, by Isaiah

Dina teaching about Median

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